
Digital Pathology 2.0: A New Paradigm for Patients and Practitioners

Digital pathology is leveraging a transformative impact on laboratory medicine through integrating cutting edge technology and AI.

The concept of technology adoption inextricably linked to challenges of crossing the ‘chasm’, a critical phase where early adopters have been exhausted, and widespread adoption has not yet occurred. Digital pathology, despite significant investments and advancements, currently finds itself here.

Techsight's journey started with a focus on environmental and veterinary applications to circumvent the regulatory hurdles associated with human health applications. This strategy allowed the company to generate revenue and refine their AI technology before moving into human clinical pathology. The company developed a scalable Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that guides technicians through tests and generates results, initially focusing on mold detection and veterinary diagnostics.

Key learnings from these applications include:

  • the importance of active learning in AI development

  • the necessity of managing large datasets effectively, and -

  • the creation of tools like cluster views and holdout comparison views to refine and validate AI models. These tools significantly reduced the time required to develop AI models from 18 months to four months.

The future of digital pathology involves the transition to Digital Pathology 2.0, where focus shifts to creating a seamless, integrated workspace for pathologists. This new paradigm emphasizes the importance of workflow integration, industry standards, and the development of multimodal AI that incorporates various types of data (e.g., patient history, genomics) to provide deeper insights and improved patient care.


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