Integrating Insights

Every part of the modern laboratory is integral to the development and implementation of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in healthcare. As pathologists embrace roles that intersect more deeply with technology, their insights become essential mediators between the raw data provided by digital imaging and the nuanced, clinically relevant interpretations needed to support patient care. Championing explainability at every stage of the workflow ensures that AI tools remain accountable, understood, and trusted across all facets of medical practice.

Enhancing Outcomes

  • Convolutional Neural Network; CNN; Gleason Grade; Heat map; prostate cancer; prostate cancer staging;

    Driving these diagnostics are image analysis (IA) algorithms derived from deep learning (DL) networks.

    These sophisticated algorithms are crafted from a comprehensive array of WSIs and associated metadata primarily sourced from the laboratory.

  • heatmap

    A shared language is essential for bridging the gap between medical expertise and technological innovation.

    To ensure that data used to train algorithms represents the diverse patient populations they are intended to serve, development must involve collaborative inputs from both pathologists and engineers.

  • Pathologists must leverage a multitude of talents to remain at the forefront of their field.

    Computer vision, operations expertise, data science, and an innate understanding of digital technology integration are among many. Beyond traditional training, interdisciplinary collaboration is requisite for effectively managing and analyzing vast datasets, contributing to AI algorithm development, and ensuring the responsible implementation of technology in clinical practice.

  • heat map, WSI, whole slide image

    Multimodal biological data is being infused in technology-enabled clinical and research workflows throughout the globe.

    Pathologists are adopting new roles as bioinformaticians and computer visionaries of advanced medical solutions, bridging the clinical-computational divide needed to support patient care.

Pathologists are stewards of laboratory data. Diagnostic ground truth, the standard of absolute accuracy essential for training and validating AI models, is benchmarked by pathologist determination. 70% of medical decisions are based on laboratory diagnostics. The pathologist’s workflow serves as the foundation of explainability in AI. While diagnostic AI solutions for pathology today are heavily reliant on image data, the potential for incorporating a wider array of laboratory data will soon be realized.